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Reasons Why You Really Shouldnt Move to Cambodia. Posted on. July 3, 2. Gavinmac. Lately, there have been a lot of Westerners moving to Cambodia or making plans to move to Cambodia. This is partly due to the difficult job market in many Western countries, and its partly due to Cambodia becoming a more mainstream destination for tourists and expatriates. Some of the recent interest in Cambodia has come from Westerners living in Thailand. Rising prices in Thailand and stricter Thai visa regulations have already contributed to a noticeable influx of shifty eyed, tattooed sexpats creeping across the border into Cambodia. Fortunately, a lot of those dudes havent made it past Sihanoukville. Lately, there have been a lot of Westerners moving to Cambodia or making plans to move to Cambodia. This is partly due to the difficult job market in many Western. There has been such an overwhelming interest in moving to Cambodia that two recent books have been published on the topic. Lina Goldberg published the excellent Move to Cambodia A Guide to Living and Working in the Kingdom of Wonder in late 2. Earlier this year, Khmer. Gabi Yetter released her own very well received manual, The Definitive Guide to Southeast Asia Cambodia. Both of these books provide helpful information and optimistic encouragement to readers who are considering relocating to Cambodia. Its the optimistic encouragement that I have a problem with. I personally believe that there are significant drawbacks to moving to Cambodia that could probably fill an entire book. Maybe not a real book, but definitely one of those silly e books. Unlike Ms. Goldberg and Ms. Yetter, I dont have the necessary work ethic or attention span to write a whole book about anything. So Im just going to offer these 7 Reasons Why You Really Shouldnt Move to Cambodia. You will die younger in Cambodia. This is a big one. The average life expectancy for Westerners living in Western countries is about 7. Unofficially, the average life expectancy for Western expatriates living in Cambodia is 5. K3GBXHyg/UWUUE0-ELUI/AAAAAAAAIXM/jDkLW-Elulk/s1600/remove+wat.jpg' alt='Genuine Windows Remove Wat 2.28' title='Genuine Windows Remove Wat 2.28' />There are a number of reasons why moving to Cambodia will shave about twenty years off your life. Cambodia has a lot of common diseases that you would never catch in your home country, like Typhoid, Dengue Fever, Hepatitis, and Malaria. The medical care in Cambodia is atrociously bad. The ambulances are unreliable the doctors are unqualified the hospitals are unsanitary. Even easily treatable illnesses can quickly become life threatening if Cambodian doctors get involved. Sometimes expats in Cambodia succumb not to illness, but to traffic accidents or other hazards. Expats like to ride motorbikes, often helmetless, presumably because they think it makes them look cool. Avast Internet Security Full Torrent Download. This can be rather dangerous in a country with reckless local drivers, no enforcement of traffic laws, and poor emergency medical care. Private ambulances in Cambodia will actually refuse to take patients who are seriously injured, because they dont want to risk transporting a dying patient who wont be able to pay the hospital bill. On Monday, we learned that Microsoft was killing off the iconic Microsoft Paint program after 32 years and replacing it with Paint 3D in its upcoming Windows 10 update. Youve worked hard your whole life, or you made your money the American way, by inheriting most of it. You like speed and deserve nice things. But the idea of a new. Victoria spuneMi se pare deosebit de interesant articolul, iar subiectul lui, remarcabil Felicitari domnule Catalin Frncu Jos palariaEu sunt bibliotecara si. Learn/2009/4/30/2009043078115545.jpg' alt='Genuine Windows Remove Wat 2.28' title='Genuine Windows Remove Wat 2.28' />But perhaps the primary reason why expats tend to die young in Cambodia is that many of them lose the plot and develop unhealthy habits involving drugs, alcohol, and prostitution. This leads to weekly reports of expats in their forties and fifties being found dead on their bathroom floors from a heart attack or fall. Cambodia is full of dangers, and very few of the locals even know basic first aid. If you start choking in a restaurant in a Western country, your waiter or another customer will quickly perform the Heimlich Maneuver on you. If you start choking in a restaurant in Cambodia, the locals will all stand around dumbfounded and stare at you until you turn blue and collapse on the floor. Only then will one of them spring into action and attempt to revive you by vigorously rubbing tiger balm on your forehead. Cambodia is a horrible place to raise a child. If you have a child or you are planning to have children, you definitely should not move to Cambodia. World Health Organization statistics show that a child born in Cambodia is ten times more likely to die before the age of 5 than a child born in France. All of the diseases that kill adults in Cambodia are even more dangerous to young children. Kids are also more likely to be involved in accidents requiring emergency medical care, because kids are fragile and kind of stupid. While children may be coddled and overprotected in Western societies, they are simply left to their Darwinian fate in Cambodia. Genuine Windows Remove Wat 2.28' title='Genuine Windows Remove Wat 2.28' />Cambodian children are often seen wandering the streets without adult supervision or perched helmetless on the front of passing motorbikes. Last year a mystery illness killed 6. Cambodia. Nobody really cared. Raising any child in Cambodia presents grave risks that you wouldnt have in a Western country. If your daughter develops acute appendicitis in your home country, you can take her to the emergency room at a modern hospital. A knowledgeable doctor will promptly diagnose her condition, a skilled surgeon will remove her appendix before it bursts, and shell be back to normal in no time. If your daughter develops acute appendicitis in Cambodia. Just start over with a new kid. Lets assume that your children are lucky and that the Cambodian diseases, traffic accidents, and poor medical care dont kill them. Their future will still be quite bleak. The educational system in Cambodia is absolutely dire, from the primary schools through the universities. The only way to properly educate your child in Cambodia is to pay about 1. This is going to be hard to afford if you moved to Cambodia to teach English for 9 an hour. You may fancy the idea of moving to wild Cambodia, but the true test of being a good parent is whether you place your childs safety and security above your own interests. Thats why many devoted parents from third world countries will do anything possible to sneak their families into Western countries where their kids will have a brighter future. As young Western citizens, your children enjoy the same wonderful opportunity that you had to grow up in a civilized country with good schools, quality health care, free speech, seat belts, career prospects, democracy, Fig Newtons, and long life expectancies. How to Make Windows 7 Genuine Using Command Prompt Steps to Follow. First of all You need to Open Cmd Command Prompt as an Administrator. To Open it as an. ReLoader Activator v1. Final Windows und Office Aktivierung Entpacken Ausfhren Auswahl treffen Fertig Dieses Tool ist ein. Windows-10-launches-with-favorable-reviews.jpg' alt='Genuine Windows Remove Wat 2.28' title='Genuine Windows Remove Wat 2.28' />They would kindly appreciate if you dont fuck all that up for them by raising them in a corrupt, oppressive third world shithole. Your choice. What amazes me is that the Westerners who decide to raise their children in Cambodia remain in total denial about what terrible, selfish parents they really are. Some have even started a Yahoo group called the Cambodia Parent Network, where they exchange tips on how to raise their doomed offspring in a country where no responsible Western parent would ever voluntarily raise a child. Cambodia Parent NetworkGood grief. Thats like starting the Chernobyl Gardening Club. The infrastructure sucks. Even compared to neighboring countries like Vietnam and Thailand, the infrastructure in Cambodia is truly appalling. The schools, hospitals, roads, and utilities are all of very poor quality. Trash piles up in the street. Rats and roaches abound. Main roads in the capital city are now gridlocked during rush hours, and traffic only gets worse each year. There is no mass transit system and nowhere to park your car. Sidewalks are impassable. Internet connections are relatively slow. The tap water is dodgy. There are no zoning laws and no effective law enforcement. The noise pollution from karaoke parlors at 2 a. Many expats report regular power outages in their neighborhoods, sometimes lasting 3 5 hours a day.