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Dont waste your time and order our essay writing service todayOcta Ramis Wookieepedia FANDOM powered by Wikia. Octa RamisI heard about a few hotheaded Jedi who take, shall we say, a very proactive approach to the Peace Brigade. What if they do Who cares what happens to those Sith spawned cowards Jedi for JediIve no quarrel with thatKyps Dozen member Ian Rim and Octa Ramis on the proactive nature of some Jedi active during the Yuuzhan Vong WarsrcOcta Ramis was a female. Human. Jedi, originally from the planet. Chandrila. Found to be Force sensitive, Ramis joined the Jedi Order that had been established by Luke Skywalker. Trained to knighthood by Kam and Tionne Solusar, Ramis fought in the Yuuzhan Vong War, a galaxy spanning conflict between the major galactic powers and the invading extra galactic Yuuzhan Vong. Early in the war, Ramis lost two of her closest companions her former lover Miko Reglia, and the Twilek Jedi Daesharacor. Supportive of Jedi Master. Kyp Durrons stance that the Jedi should take a proactive role in the conflict, Ramis was on the front lines of the war, serving at several major battles that included the battle of Mon Calamari and bothbattles of Coruscant. Following the war, Ramis was elevated to the rank of Jedi Master. She served the Order with diligence throughout the Dark Nest Crisis, which saw the insectoid. Killik colonies wage war against the Chiss Ascendancy and, later, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. She participated in the rescue of Master Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, from a Killik nest on the moon. Super Collapse 3 Keygen Free Download here. Kr in the Gyuel system alongside several other Jedi Masters during the conflict. Master Ramis continued to serve the Order during the Second Galactic Civil War, being a member of the Jedi Coalition that opposed Jacen Solosusurping of the Galactic Alliance until he was finally deposed by his own sister. NibK-85BJQ/V0RwXVFYhhI/AAAAAAAAI9k/7epp2ePAiWsAjBCEpqiYderixrWyyQCngCLcB/s1600/rarstar.jpg' alt='Propaganda Outside World Rar' title='Propaganda Outside World Rar' />At some point, she was appointed to a position on the Jedi Masters Council. In 4. 3 ABY, Ramis took on Seha Dorvald as an apprentice. During this time, Ramis played a part in the capture of Valin Horn, son of Jedi Master Corran Horn, who was suffering from a mental breakdown. During the following political crisis, which pitted the Jedi against Galactic Alliance Chief of State. Natasi Daala, Ramis continued to serve the Order with quiet determination. She, along with Durron, Dorvald, and a group of Jedi, later participated in the Jedi overthrow of Natasi Daala in 4. ABY, temporarily placing the Jedi in charge of the Alliance government. Along with the majority of the Jedi Order, she later accompanied Grand Master Skywalker to the planet Upekzar in an effort to confront Abeloth, an ancient being strong in the Dark side of the Force, and assisting in liberating Coruscant from the Lost Tribe of the Sith. Biography. Edit. Early life. Edit. Octa Ramis was a female. Human born on the planet. Chandrila in the Core Worlds,1 around 1 BBY,2 but spent the majority of her life on high gravity worlds where she built up her physical strength. Identified as a Force sensitive individual, Ramis attended the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4,3 where she was initially instructed by the Jedi Masters. DVA DEFENCE MEDIA ON THE RECORD MINISTERIAL THE AUSTRALIAN SMH THE AGE CM ABC ARMY Long Tan Cross 7 Dec 17 6 Dec 17 An important piece of. Architects Engineers For 911 Truth have made the crucial and informed point that it was impossible for a plane hitting the top of the Towers of the World Trade. ZBau Haus fr Gegenwartskultur. Color, sweat and lost luggage FM Belfast is well known for their colorful, sweatsoaked and fun live shows. Kam and Tionne Solusar6 before being apprenticed to Kam Solusar on a one to one basis. At the academy, Ramis became romantically involved with another student, Miko Reglia. Sometime prior to 2. ABY,9 Ramis graduated and attained the rank of Jedi Knight. Although a few within the Orderincluding Tionne Solusarbelieved that Ramis and Reglia had ended their relationship after graduating, the pair were able to meet up again several times. Ramis also worked together with the Twilek Jedi Daesharacor for several missions, and the two became close friends. The Yuuzhan Vong War. Edit. The defense of Ithor. EditThats pure madness. Were their best hope, and they wont have us working with themIt makes zero sense for them to do that. Then again, if thats how the governments thinking, being free of them might not be a bad thing. Kyp Durron and Octa Ramis on New Republic limitations on the JedisrcMiko Reglia. In 2. 5 ABY, Ramis attended a memorial service for Reglia, who had been killed on Helska IV by the Yuuzhan Vonga species of extra galactic warriors intent on conquering the galaxy. He was the first Jedi casualty of the conflict that was later known as the Yuuzhan Vong War. As the invasion progressed, Master Luke Skywalker called a meeting of all active Jedi shortly after the Battle of Dantooine. Held in the Jedi Headquarters on Coruscant, Ramis was among the participants. A supporter of Kyp Durrons stance that the Force was a tool that should be used to defeat the Yuuzhan Vong, and that the Order should be taking a more aggressive stance in opposing the invasion, she was shocked at the New Republics decision to not sanction Jedi missions within the invasion corridor. She was assigned a mission by Master Skywalker to assist in the war effort, but it was not one with an aggressive mandate. Before leaving on her assignment, Ramis assisted Daesharacor in searching through the records archive for information on superweapons, using her skill with computers to erase the search logs. The Twilek Jedi had endured slavery in her childhood, and had never let go of her hatred of slavers. With the news that the Yuuzhan Vong were taking slaves and implanting them with surge coral to do their bidding, she transferred her hatred to the invaders, and sought to destroy them by any means necessary. To this end, she hoped to find another forgotten superweapon hidden away somewhere. Ramis, however, was unaware that a computer program designed by Anakin Solo to track search requests was also running on the academys databases. The goal was to see what information was accessed by Jedi after receiving assignments so that future mission plans would include all relevant data. Unaware of the programs existence, Ramis did not delete her searches from its records. Correlation of the data by Solo and his aunt, Master Mara Jade Skywalker, revealed the search requests and Daesharacor was stopped before she could do anything harmful either to herself or others. Following the successful extraction of a reconnaissance mission to the planet Garqi, Ramis was one of the two dozen Jedi assembled to defend Ithor, homeworld of the Ithorians. During the mission to Garqi, Jedi Knight Corran Horn had discovered that the pollen of the Bafforr tree triggered an allergic reaction in the Vonduun crab armor worn by the Yuuzhan Vong that contracted the living organism and crushed the wearer inside. Despite attempting to disguise the source of the infectious agent, it soon became clear that the Yuuzhan Vong were aware that the plant was native to Ithor and were preparing to assault the world. A joint New Republic and Imperial Remnant force, assisted by the Jedi, prepared to defend the planet. Prior to the battle, the Jedi convened aboard the Tafanda Bay, an Ithorian Herdship in orbit of Ithor. In a ceremony presided over by High Priest. Relal Tawron, each Jedi was required to renounce a part of themselvesin effect pruning aspects of themselves in order to become closer to the Mother Jungle. Ithorian tradition and customs dictated that this ceremony was required for any individuals wishing to set foot on the surface of Ithor. Ramis declared that mourning for Reglia had blinded her to many things, and that it was time to lay him to rest.