Unit Testing Template For Etl Process

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In previous article we learned about What Is Difference Between SDET And TESTER In todays class we are going to cover What is importance of ETL testing and. Entry_Level_Qa_Tester_Resume_Etl.jpg' alt='Unit Testing Template For Etl Process' title='Unit Testing Template For Etl Process' />Test Plan Template. Most of the time many software testing guys are totally confused about Test Strategy and Test Plan Template. So I am writing this article for those who keen to learn about what is actual difference between Test Plan document Test Strategy document. Rocky 1981 Movie Mp3 Song Free Download. In this article I am concentrating on actual Sample Test Plan example and in next article I will share the What is Test Strategy document and why it is needed. Also I have added link to Download sample Test Plan in PDF format at the bottom of the article. Sample Test Plan. Test Plan Template. Table of Contents 1. ETL_Testing/ETLTesting_2.png' alt='Unit Testing Template For Etl Process Steps' title='Unit Testing Template For Etl Process Steps' />INTRODUCTION2. OBJECTIVE3.  SCOPE3. Functions to be tested. Functions not to be tested. REFERENCES5. TESTING PROCESS OVERVIEW6. TEST STRATEGY6. 1 Testing Types. Black box testing. GUI Testing. Integration Testing. Unit Testing Template For Etl Process BestUnit Testing Template For Etl ProcessFunctional Testing. System Testing. Performance Testing. Stress Testing. Security and Access control testing. User acceptance testing. Alpha testing. 6. Tools. 7. TEST ENVIRONMENT8. TEST SCHEDULE9. CONTROL PROCEDURE1. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES1. DELIVERABLE1. 2. ENTRY CRITERIA1. SUSPENSION CRITERIA1. RESUMPTION CRITERIA1. EXIT CRITERIA1. 6. RISK1. 7. ACRONYMS1. INTRODUCTIONlt Client Inc, USA has contracted with lt Company Name, India to design, development and testing the reports of their clients. This document will address the different standards that will apply to the unit, integration and system testing of the specified application. Interesting readers question How is testing carried out in a company i. Here is the actual testing process of Software Testing in the. Manual testing is performed by a human sitting in front of a computer carefully executing the test steps. Automation Testing means using an automation tool to execute. From last couple of days I am getting more request on Sample test plan. So for your reference I am including one sample test plan template here. Its a Index of Test. Before we start with riskbased testing, let us understand the concept of Risk. Risk is the occurrence of an uncertain event with a positive or negative effect on the. Many software testing guys are totally confused about Test Strategy and Test Plan Template. In this article I am concentrating on actual Sample Test Plan example. This page is a list of tables of codedriven unit testing frameworks for various programming languages. Some but not all of these are based on xUnit. Unit Testing Template For Etl Processes' title='Unit Testing Template For Etl Processes' />Background Army Supply Chain Management Overview. Depot. Supply Support Activity. OEM Factory. Unit. SERVICEABLE. UNSERVICEABLE. Prescribed Load List. Repair Order. Integration Testing Four step procedure Below are the four steps of creating integration test cases. The design, development and testing of these reports will be based on clients Project Name management project. Throughout the testing process we will be applying the test documentation specifications described in the IEEE Standard 8. Software Test Documentation. OBJECTIVEObjective of Test plan is to define the various Testing strategies and Testing tools used for complete Testing life cycle of this project. SCOPEThe document mainly targets the GUI testing and validating data in report output as per Requirements Specifications provided by Client. Functions to be tested. GUI2. Reports OutputData. Report SetupLocations. Functions not to be tested. Not other than mentioned above in section 3. REFERENCESGuidelines provided by Client and their clients. Refer Guideline location Companyname. Project. Name. Design. Guidelines. 5. TESTING PROCESS OVERVIEW5. Test Process. Test process followed by QA will be categorized in to 2 ways Process to be followed when sufficient time is available for QAProcess to be followed when sufficient time is not available for QAA Process to be followed when sufficient time is available for QAUnderstanding Requirements Requirement specifications will be sent by client. Understanding of requirements will be done by QA along with. Respective lead and developer and queries are raised if any. Raised queries will be sent by lead to client. Response to queries will be sent by client. Preparing Test Cases QA will be Preparing Test Cases based on the requirement specifications. This will cover all scenarios for requirements. Preparing Test Matrix QA will be preparing test matrix which maps test cases to respective requirement. This will ensure the coverage for requirements. Reviewing test cases and matrix Peer review will be conducted for test cases and test matrix by senior QA member in QA team. In certain cases for e. Any comments or suggestions on test cases and test coverage will be provided by reviewer respective Author of Test Case and Test Matrix. Suggestions or improvements will be re worked by author and will be send for approval. Re worked improvements will be reviewed and approved by reviewer. Creating Test Data Test data will be created by respective QA on clients developmentstest site based on scenarios and Test cases. Executing Test Cases Test cases will be executed by respective QA on clients developmenttest site based on designed scenarios, test cases and Test data. Test result Actual Result, PassFail will updated in test case document. Magic Presentation Software. Defect Logging And Reporting QA will be logging the defectbugs in Bugzilla bug tracking tool found during execution of test cases and will assigned the Bug id generated by Bugzilla to respective test cases document. After this, QA will inform respective developer about the defectbugs. Retesting And Regression Testing Retesting for fixed bugs will be done by respective QA once it is resolved by respective developer and bugdefect status will be updated accordingly. In certain cases, regression testing will be done if required. DeploymentDelivery Once all bugsdefect reported after complete testing is fixed and no other bugs are found, report will be deployed to clients test site by developer. Once round of testing will be done by QA on clients test site if required. Report will be delivered along with sample output by email to respective lead and Report group. QA will be submitting the filled hard copy of delivery slip to respective developer. Once lead gets the hard copy of delivery slip filled by QA and developer, he will send the report delivery email to client. B Process to be followed when sufficient time is not available for QAUnderstanding requirement Requirement specification will be sent by client. Understanding of requirements will be done by QA along with respective lead and developer and queries are raised if any. Raised quires will be sent by lead to client. Response to queries will be sent by client. Creating test data Test data will be created by respective QA on clients developmenttest site based on scenarios and test cases. Executing test scenarios QA will be doing adhoc testing based on requirements and test scenarios. Defect logging and reporting QA will be logging the defectsbugs in Bugzilla bug tracking tool found during executing the test. After this, QA will inform respective developer about the defectbugs. Retesting and regression testing Retesting for fixed bugs will be done by respective QA once it is resolved by respective developer and bugdefect status will be updated accordingly. In certain cases, regression testing will be done if required. Deploymentdelivery Once all bugsdefects reported after complete testing are fixed and no other bugs are found, report will be deployed to clients test site by developer. One round of testing will be done by QA on clients test site if required. Report will be delivered along with sample output by email to respective lead and report group. QA will be submitting the filled hard copy of delivery slip to respective developer. Once lead gets the hard copy of delivery slip filled by QA and developer, he will send he report delivery email to Client. Data creation for testing. QA will create test data on development site for scenarios based on clients requirements specifications. Bug life cycle All the issues found while testing will be logged into Bugzilla bug tracker. Bug life cycle for this project is as follows Bug Life CycleImage Credit http en. Bugzilla6. TEST STRATERGY6. Testing types. Black box testing It is some time called behavioral testing or Partition testing. This kind of testing focuses on the functional requirements of the software. It enables one to derive sets of input conditions that that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program. GUI Testing GUI testing will includes testing the UI part of report. It covers users Report format, look and feel, error messages, spelling mistakes, GUI guideline violations. AUTOMATION TESTING Tutorial Process, Planning Tools. What is Automation Testing Manual Testing is performed by a human sitting in front of a computer carefully executing the test steps. Automation Testing means using an automation tool to execute your test case suite. The automation software can also enter test data into the System Under Test,  compare  expected and actual  results and generate detailed test  reports. Test Automation demands considerable investments of money and resources. Successive development cycles will require execution of same test suite repeatedly. Using a test automation tool its possible to record this test suite  and re play it  as required. Once the  test suite is automated,  no human intervention is required. This improved ROI of Test Automation. Goal of Automation is to reduce number of test cases to be run manually and not eliminate Manual Testing all together. Please be patient. The Video will load in some time. If you still face issue viewing video click here Why Automated Testing Automated software testing is important due to following reasons  Manual Testing of all work flows, all fields, all negative scenarios is time and cost consuming It is difficult to test for multi lingual sites manually Automation does not require Human intervention. You can run automated test unattended overnight Automation increases  speed of test execution Automation helps increase  Test Coverage Manual Testing can become boring and hence error prone. Which Test Cases to Automate Test cases to be automated can be selected using the following criterion to increase the automation ROI High Risk Business Critical test cases Test cases that are executed repeatedly Test Cases that are very tedious or difficult to perform manually Test Cases which are time consuming The following category of test cases are not suitable for automation Test Cases that are newly designed and not executed manually  atleast once Test Cases for which the requirements are changing frequently Test cases which are executed on ad hoc basis. Automated Testing Process Following steps are followed in an Automation Process   Test tool selection Test Tool selection largely depends on the technology the Application Under Test is built on. For instance QTP does not support Informatica. So QTP cannot be used for testing Informatica applications. Its a good idea to conduct Proof of Concept of Tool on AUT Define the scope of Automation Scope of automation is the area of your Application Under Test which will be automated. Le Migliori Cose Del Mondo on this page. Following points help determine scope Feature that are important for the business Scenarios which have large amount of data. Common functionalities across applications Technical feasibility Extent to which business components are reused. Complexity of test cases Ability to use the same test cases for cross browser testing Planning, Design and Development  During this phase you create  Automation strategy plan, which contains following details Automation tools selected Framework design and its features In Scope and Out of scope items of automation Automation test bed preparation Schedule and Timeline of scripting and execution Deliverables of Automation Testing Test Execution Automation Scripts are executed during this phase. The scripts need input test data before there are set to run. Once executed they provide detailed test reports. Execution can be performed using the automation tool directly or through the Test Management tool which will invoke the automation tool. Example Quality center is the Test Management tool which in turn it will invoke QTP for execution of automation scripts. Scripts can be executed in a single machine or a group of  machines. The execution can be done during night, to save time. Maintenance  As new functionalities are added to the System Under Test with successive cycles, Automation Scripts need to be added, reviewed and maintained for each release cycle. Maintenance becomes necessary to improve effectiveness of Automation Scripts. Framework in Automation  A framework is  set of automation guidelines  which help in   Maintaining consistency of Testing Improves test structuring Minimum usage of code Less Maintenance of code Improve re usability Non Technical testers can be involved in code Training period of using the tool can be reduced Involves Data wherever appropriate  There are four types of framework used in automation software testing Data Driven Automation Framework Keyword Driven Automation Framework Modular Automation Framework Hybrid Automation Framework  Automation Tool Best Practices To get maximum ROI of automation, observe the following Scope of Automation needs to be determined in detail before the start of the project. This sets expectations from Automation right. Select the right automation tool A tool must not be selected based on its popularity but its fit to the automation requirements. Choose appropriate framework Scripting Standards Standards have to be followed while writing the scripts for Automation. Some of them are Create uniform scripts, comments and indentation of the code Adequate Exception handling How error is handled on system  failure or unexpected behavior of the application. User defined messages should be coded or standardized for Error Logging for testers to understand. Measure metrics Success of automation cannot be determined by   comparing the manual effort with the automation effort but by also capturing the following metrics. Percent of defects found Time required for automation testing for each and every release cycle Minimal Time taken for release    Customer satisfaction Index Productivity improvement The above guidelines if observed can greatly help in making your automation successful. Benefits of Automation Testing Following are benefits of automated testing 7. Wider test coverage of application features Reliable in results Ensure Consistency Saves Time and Cost Improves accuracy Human Intervention is not required while execution Increases Efficiency Better speed in executing tests Re usable test scripts Test Frequently and thoroughly More  cycle of execution can be achieved through automation  Early time to market. Different types of software testing that can be automated How to Choose an Automation Tool  Selecting the right tool can be a tricky task. Following criterion will help you select the best tool for your requirement Environment Support Ease of use Testing of Database Object identification Image Testing Error Recovery Testing Object Mapping Scripting Language Used Support for various types of test including functional, test management, mobile, etc. Support for multiple testing frameworks Easy to debug the automation software scripts Ability to recognize objects in any environment Extensive test reports and results Minimize training cost of selected tools  Tool selection is one of biggest challenges to be tackled before going for automation. First, Identify the requirements, explore various tools and its capabilities, set the expectation from the tool and go for a Proof Of Concept. Automation Testing Tools. There are tons of Functional and Regression Testing Tools available in market. Here are 5 best tools certified by our experts Selenium. It is a software testing tool used for Regression Testing. It is an open source testing tool that provides playback and recording facility for Regression Testing. The Selenium IDE only supports Mozilla Firebox web browser.