Install Centos

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Install Centos' title='Install Centos' />How to Install and Configure Askbot with Nginx on Cent. OS 7. Askbot is an open source software for creating Q A forums based on Python Django Framework. Its basically a Q A system like Stack. Overflow, Yahoo Answers, and others. Created by Mike Chan and Sailing Cai on 2. Linux systems like Ubuntu and Cent. OS. Many large open source software projects like Fedora and Libre. Office are using it. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Askbot Python Django application using u. D4Nd.png' alt='Install Centos' title='Install Centos' />First, install CentOS Development Tools with yum group command below. Development Tools Then install the Epel repository. The CentOS 6 repositories has PHP 5. To keep up with the latest features and security updates, install newer PHP 7 on CentOS 6. Installing Go Fedora Centos, RHEL. Go has released latest version 1. Fedora 272625 CentOSRHEL 765 systems. Install Go Fedora. WSGI and Nginx web server on Cent. OS 7 system. As for database, we will be using Postgre. SQL for Askbot installation. What we will do. Install dependencies. Install and configure Postgre. SQLInstall and configure Askbot. Install and configure u. WSGIInstall and configure Nginx Webserver. Test the setup. Prerequisites. Cent. OS 7 Server. CentOS-7-Installation-Media.jpg' alt='Install Centos' title='Install Centos' />Root privileges. Colonization The Game. Step 1 Install dependencies. In this step, we will install some packages that are needed for successful Askbot installation. These include Development Tools, Epel repository, and some python related tools for managing Python packages. Select-CentOS-7-Installation-Environment.png' alt='Install Centos' title='Install Centos' />So lets begin. First, install Cent. OS Development Tools with yum group command below. Development ToolsThen install the Epel repository. And finally install the python packages, including python pip, python devel and python six. Step 2 Install and configure Postgre. SQLNow we need Postgre. SQL database, which is available in the Cent. OS repository. In this section, we will discuss how you can install Postgre. SQL database, change the postgres password user, create a new user and database for the Askbot installation, and finally, change the postgres authentication config. So lets start with installing Postgre. SQL from the repository using the yum command below. Total Jerkface Happy Wheels Full Version No there. Once the installation is complete, we need to initialize the database, which you can do using the command below. Moving on, start postgres and enable it to launch automatically at the boot time. At this point, the Postgre. Screenshot-6.png' alt='Install Centos' title='Install Centos' />SQL database should be installed. Next, we need to reset the postgres user password. For this, first login as postgres user and access the psql command line tool. And then give the postgres user a new password. Now, create a new database and user for Askbot. For example, we want to create a new user hakaselabs with password hakase. The following postgres queries will help us create all of these. So now, a database and user for Askbot installation have been created. The next step is to edit the postgres configuration for authentication setup, which you can do by heading to the pgsqldata directory and editing the pghba. Once inside the file, change all authentication to md. IPv. 4 local connections host    all             all             1. IPv. 6 local connections host    all             all             11. Now, save and exit the file, and then restart the postgres service. So by now, the Postgre. SQL database has been installed database for the Askbot installation has been created and the postgres user authentication method has been changed to md. Step 3 Install and configure Askbot. In this step, we will discuss the installation and configuration of Askbot. We will install Askbot under a user named askbot, and using the virtualenv python. So lets begin. Firstly, create a new user askbot and give the user a new password. Then add the askbot user to the wheel group for sudo command access not sure what sudo isLearn more about it here. G wheel askbot. Now upgrade pip to the latest version and install the python virtualenv package. Next. log in as askbot user and create new python virtual environment hakase labs with virtualenv. Go to the hakase labs directory and activate the virtual environment for Askbot installation. Now install askbot and other python packages with pip command on hakase labs virtual environment. Next, create a new directory for the Askbot project. Please make sure you dont use askbot as the directory name. In our case, for example, we created a new directory named myappmkdir myappGo to the myapp directory and run the askbot setup command. The askbot setup command will ask you certain things. For example, you will be asked about directory path to deploy Askbot you can type. Enter to continue. Similarly, when asked about database engine, type 1 to use postgresql and press Enter. For database related details, enter databasename as askbotdb, database user as hakaselabs, and password as hakase. So Askbot is now installed on the myapp directory. Now we need to generate Askbot Django static files and the database. Run the command below to generate Askbot Django static files. When asked for confirmation, type yes and press Enter. Now, to generate the database, run syncdb as below. You will be asked about creating the admin user and password. So when asked, type the username, email, and password for admin configuration. So by now, Askbot has been installed, static files have been generated, and the database configuration has been completed. You can test the Askbot installation with runserver command below. Open your Web browser and type the server IP address, and you should see a page similar to the following Step 4 Install and configure u. WSGIWe will be using u. WSGI as service for the Askbot Django project. Specifically, we will be using u. WSGI with Nginx web server for the Askbot installation. So lets begin. Firstly, install u. WSGI using the pip command, as shown below. After the installation is complete, create a new directory for the u. WSGI virtual host files. For example, in our case, we created etcuwsgisites. Go to the newly created directory and create new askbot u. WSGI configuration with vim. Paste the following configuration in the file. Project directory, Python directorychdir homeaskbothakase labsmyapphome homeaskbothakase labsstatic map mhomeaskbothakase labsmyappstaticwsgi file homeaskbothakase labsmyappdjango. Askbot will running under the sock filesocket runuwsgiaskbot. WSGI Log filelogto varloguwsgi. Thats it. Save the file and exit from the editor. Next, add new u. WSGI service script file to the etcsystemdsystem directory. Go to the directory and create the uwsgi. Paste the following u. WSGI service configuration in the file. UnitDescriptionu. WSGI Emperor serviceServiceExec. Start. Prebinbash c mkdir p runuwsgi chown askbot nginx runuwsgiExec. Startbinuwsgi emperor etcuwsgisites. Restartalways. Kill. SignalSIGQUITTypenotify. Notify. AccessallInstallWanted. Bymulti user. target. Save and exit. Now, reload systemd services and enable u. WSGI to start automatically at the boot time. So with this, u. WSGI has been installed, and you should see it running as a service. Step 5 Install and configure Nginx webserver. So, Askbot is now installed, and its running under u. WSGI sock file askbot. In this step, we will be using Nginx web server as a reverse proxy for u. WSGI application Askbot. To begin with, install Nginx with the yum command. Now go to the Nginx conf. Paste the following Askbot Nginx configuration in the file. Save the file and exit from the editor. Now, test the configuration to make sure there is no error. Next, start Nginx and u. WSGI services. systemctl start nginxsystemctl start uwsgi. And enable them to start automatically at the boot time. So Nginx is now installed as a reverse proxy for u. WSGI application Askbot. Step 6 Test the setup. How to Install Go 1. Fedora 2. 72. 62. Cent. OSRHEL 76. Go is an open source programming language developed by a team at Google. It provides easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient softwares. This language is designed for writing servers, thats why it is using widely these days. Go has released latest version 1. This tutorial will help you to install Go 1. Fedora 2. 72. 62. Cent. OSRHEL 76 systems. You can also use tutorials to install Go lang on Ubuntu and Debian systems. Step 1 Install Go 1. Login to your Redhat or its derivative system using ssh and upgrade to apply latest security updates there. Now download the Go language binary archive file using following link. To find and download latest version available or 3. Now extract the downloaded archive and install it to the desired location on your system. For this tutorial, I am installing it under usrlocal directory. You can also put this under the home directory for shared hosting or other location. Step 2 Setup Go Environment Now you need to set up Go language environment variables for your project. Commonly you need to set 3 environment variables as GOROOT, GOPATH and PATH. GOROOT is the location where Go package is installed on your system. GOROOTusrlocalgo. GOPATH is the location of your work directory. For example my project directory is ProjectsProj. GOPATHHOMEProjectsProj. Now set the PATH variable to access go binary system wide. PATHGOPATHbin GOROOTbin PATH. All above environment will be set for your current session only. To make it permanent add above commands in. Step 3 Verify Installation At this step, you have successfully installed and configured go language on your system. First, use the following command to check Go version. Now also verify all configured environment variables using following command. GOHOSTARCHamd. 64. GOHOSTOSlinux. GOPATHrootProjectsProj. GOROOTusrlocalgo. GOTOOLDIRusrlocalgopkgtoollinuxamd. GOGCCFLAGS f. PIC m. CGOENABLED1. CGOCFLAGS g O2. CGOCPPFLAGS. CGOCXXFLAGS g O2. CGOFFLAGS g O2. CGOLDFLAGS g O2. PKGCONFIGpkg config.